Revolutionize Business Success with Artificial Intelligence
Published: 01/05/24
Data is available abundantly within the realms of businesses. Making sense out of this data was the buzz a century ago. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the now and going forward.
The option of having any of the supervised and unsupervised custom models for prediction within any area of a business is definitely a much sought after tool for leveraging the power of AI and Machine Learning (ML).
Yes, Artificial Intelligence can be used and has been present within Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central in a subtle way since a while already and it is now gaining exponential momentum.
Azure Machine Learning platform is one of the many available routes. Some knowledge around Azure AI is required. It is an option to providing the backend custom model which can seamlessly be integrated into Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. Businesses can thus use these predictive models as the base to create any custom solutions, bringing significant gains.
It is worth mentioning that the cloud-based Dynamics 365 Business Central currently provides additional value through the usage of Microsoft Azure Machine Learning for its enhanced feature of cash flow forecasting, sales and inventory forecasting and late payments prediction for sales documents.
Additionally, as the various products of Dynamics 365 sits under the same umbrella, it means that there is now an out of the box option to have data flowing in a bidirectional manner amongst the various products.
Stay tune for a deep dive into the world of Artificial Intelligence along with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central!
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