
MyJE - Mobile App integration

MyJE! Mobile App integration!

Jendev proudly participated in the integration process of the NAV/BC with the Mobile App for Jersey Electricity.

What are the benefits of My JE for JEC customers?

With the My JE app, customers can:

  • See and compare how much energy they’re using and when: day-by-day, week-by-week or year-on-year in both kWhs (units) and cash.
  • View bills, transactions and account balance.
  • Set up a profile to compare electricity usage with other similar properties.
  • Set a weekly or monthly target to help you control costs and budget better.
  • Check how the outside temperature affects their electricity usage
  • AI features (Customer property profile needs to be filled in):
    - See forecast of the usage based on previous consumption
    - see estimated disaggregation for specific items

JEC Customers can use the app on multiple platforms:

iOSAndroid, Web

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Eliq provides digital energy products that are changing how customers look at their utility, with powerful business outcomes

A l l P a r t n e r s
MyJE - Mobile App integration Image
Matt Belsey Developer

Matt joined Jendev in 2012 after graduating from Bournemouth University with a BSc in computing.Matt is working across a range of development activity, including Dynamics NAV, ongoing provision of Dynamics CRM to Jersey Electricity plc. and integrati...

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